
Tuesday, February 7, 2017

A Weird But Not Uncommon Excuse

In Jonathan Vieker's wonderful post, Does Failure Encourage Compassion for Others?, he mentions a student excuse for not going to class anymore. 
I missed biology a few times. I meant to start going again, but I was really embarrassed about walking into the classroom after missing a week and a half. So I just ... didn't go back. 
That is what will happen to my blogging if I don't come back.  I'll just stop.

One of my unwritten resolutions of 2017 was to blog an average of 1.5 times every 2 weeks. There were several reasons why I did not write it down.

  1. I already have a pretty solid, exhaustive list that will keep me busy.
  2. Originally, by "Blog Post Ideas" list grew more quickly than I could write blogs. At the time of writing my resolutions, this list was shrinking more than growing. In short, I was a scaredy-pants. 
  3. Quitting Facebook was my first blog post after quitting Facebook. I think I knew in the back of my head that blogging more was going to help me make that transition, and I didn't know what would happen once that transition was complete.
  4. One of my resolutions involves studying and passing the MLC exam. This requires a LOT of intense study time. 
  5. My blog doesn't have much structure.  I'm torn between liking that fact and just going with it, and building more structure so that I could possibly build my readership. 
To give myself a much easier and much more attainable resolution for 2017, I think I will resolve to write at least twice a month: on the 1st and 3rd Tuesday. 

Now it is written!  I'm accountable to you, so keep me to it.  

Off the record, I will probably write a little more. The idea of the twice a month is to begin adding some structure. I want to write at least one blog a month in the form of a newsletter and let my readers know what is going on our lives. The other blog that month will rotate among my different passions.  

You may hear about personal development, beer brewing, problem solving, or my take on current events. Who knows?  Stay tuned to find out. 


  1. Thanks for the plug! I think you have a great plan here: thoughtful, spelled-out, and doable. It also allows for other parts of your life to flourish. I'm staying tuned!

    1. I'm very happy that at least one person keeps up with my blogging!
